Who else is in need of some Kylan pics?

I lucked out. She's nothing short of perfect. And I don't care if they say "all moms say that about their kids." I am not that mom. I would straight out tell you, "my kid is a pain in the ass," but that's not the case here.

She's gone for 3 days to see my aunt and uncle-- "Granty" and "Grunkle" [we'll see if it sticks when Ky starts talking which can I say is probably any day now...actually her vocab right now only consists of "BAH" and "AHAH" which she states in a very matter of fact tone or in an inquisitive form]. I digress.

She is away and I miss her. I walk in to her room and just look around. I think about when she was just a thought, just a name, just a dream. I think about when I took her home that first night. [We were too anxious to get her into our environment, to meet the cats, to lay her down on her changing pad, so we took her home a night early from the hospital.] I think about how I need to lower the crib down a notch again because she stratagecially climbs on her bumpers to try to escape. I think about that smile and giggle she gives me when she sees me for the first time in the morning. ahhh

But sometimes it's nice to get away from the routine of it all. The diaper packing for the morning [which I always forget something, usually lunch but sometimes a bottle or the wipes], the 6:30 wake-up call on the nose [those babies have some good internal clocks], figuring out what the hell we are going to feed her at night because we ate fast food for dinner and she can't have that... again. 

And when she's gone, I get to re-center myself. I get to go find out if I'm pre-approved for a mortgage [which I am!], fold the 6 loads of laundry I've been putting off, re-organize our bedroom so it is good feng shui [definitely Googled how to spell that word], and wash our mattress liner. That's right. Ken and I decided that it's time to wash our mattress liner. Who the hell has time to do that these days?

So long sweet summer.The air is cool and brisk. The leaves colorful. And pumpkin smells and tastes are everything right now. I don't know what it is about this time of year but it just screams home. And it will forever remind me of that beautiful day she was born...
A brief re-cap of our special first summer together.

I miss her.
So much.
And that face she's going to make when she sees her parents for the first time in what seems like forever to a baby...

Can't wait.


  1. These pictures are so fabulous! You're going to love looking at these one day!


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