It's been too long.

9 months. 3/4 of the year done. If I were pregnant her "due date" would be any day now. 

From one of our favorite books.

So what have we been up to since I've blogged last? Adventures. Finishing up our summer bucket list. Hiking. Swimming. Camping. A lot of mommy and me dates. Getting shut off at a local bar in the White Mountains. Snuggles. You know, living the life.

My sister told me she looks so little here. Sometimes I close my eyes and she's 6 days old again.

I'd like to upload some of her 7 month photos because it's been that long. Since then she's changed quite a bit and has learned to stand on her own, sleep through the night (2 days in a row!!), say DA DA, "ba ba," and talk to ghosts (whispers to no one in sight). 

 retro 70's couch. I dig.

Puffs. Who knew they were the secret to keeping my child busy/quiet?

Daddy likes the back of her head. "I'm obsessed with the back of her head, the shape, the little curls. She's just perfect."

You know what mommy's obsessed with? Her body. Especially this booty. LOL

 There's been a lot of changes recently. All for the best. If there's a higher power he / she is seriously looking out for us. On the day that Ken got laid off he was offered another job. I also have found my calling in life and will be starting my new career in 2 days. But that can be another post. For now, I spend my seconds drinking in my child. Watching her transform before my eyes and wishing she would "slow down" all while anxiously waiting for new discoveries like for the day she calls me "mama."


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