Summer bucket list

My blessed sister begged to take Kylan for an overnight trip at the camp she works at. I know the feeling of missing her and in knowing this, I let her take her so she could get her Ky fix.

The one good thing about getting some time away from Kylan is the opportunity for Ken and I to reconnect. We struggle with finding time for ourselves these days. And it would be a lie if I said we were doing a great job with parenting. Because good parents show love to one another and if they argue it's not in front of their kids. We've failed in this sense. I could blame it on our own upbringing which involves a lot of screaming and in my case, lack of affection. But that's just an excuse.

“It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.” 
― George Harrison

I think about how we are creating the foundation for a human being's life right now. And I worry that every move we make must be a strategic one. Like when we should get rid of the pacifier or when I should stop pumping at work and switch to formula. And all that pressure is heavy and not fun. So when we get an opportunity to be away from Ky for a night or two we get that fun back. We bond over geeky brain stimulating tv shows and talk about how we miss Ky and what we are going to do to change the negative situation we have become accustomed to.

Summertime is the perfect time to let go of all that negativity. We went to the beach the other weekend with some friends and family. About 30 minutes in Jean was really struggling in the 90 degree heat and wanted to take Ky home with her. I had pictured my first time with Ky at the beach differently but we all know how a child makes expectations and reality very difficult to match up.

The next weekend I compensated for the beach fail and brought Ky to the lake. She even took a nap right on the sand. She got to swing for the first time (loved it) and saw some geese. (okay she didn't really notice them but it was still exciting) I look forward to making many more memories at Pawtuckaway State Park. It was one of our favorite spots growing up.


I was talking to Ky about how she loves the outside. "It was snowing last weekend and now it's almost 100 degrees Ky! You love it though don't you?" And Jean goes, "she has to with you guys." This is true. Ken and I love the outdoors too much for our baby not to as well.

How many bathing suits does Kylan have? Four. How many bathing suits do I have? One. How many bathing suits do I have that fit my new boobs? None.

Stay tuned for more check marks on the ol' summer bucket list. Next weekend we are going camping with GG. It's a summer tradition. Can't wait!


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