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We just got back from a trip to Stowe, Vermont and before I forget all the little details of this past week, I'm taking the time to write them down and reflect.      I feel as though we romanticize family vacations . We hype them up because we need something to look forward to. But spending hours upon hours with two adults, a child and a dog in a small hotel room gets old fast. So does spending hundreds of dollars every day. And while you're out doing tourist things...don't forget to pack an extra pair of clothes for when she falls into the river and cries that her underwear are soaked. By day 2 Matt was threatening to leave. We had had an awful time mini-golfing and the combination of hours of sun, exhaustion and stimulation were taking a toll on everyone. So by bedtime Ky was just DONE. We actually ended up packing our stuff up in the middle of the night declaring that vacation was over. I'm not sure how much she believed this tactic but it worked and the

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